Mathematics is beautiful

eTwinning project:  " Mathematics is Beautiful"-

„Mathematics is beautiful!”-პროექტის გეგმა და მონაწილენი

Registered on 28.04.2013 | Status: Active


The aim of the project is to present various concepts and mathematical problems (sometimes quite difficult for students to understand ) in an interesting way: artistic, literary or interactive. Students can create, for example: a multimedia presentation, interactive lessons, computer graphics, photography, a flat or spatial artwork, write a poem, short story, create a puzzle, jigsaw etc. All forms of art are supposed to be characterized not only by a high level of contents, but also aesthetics.
Art, Mathematics / Geometry
Pupil's age:
11 - 13
Tools to be used:
e-mail, Other software (Powerpoint, video, pictures and drawings), Twinspace, Web publishing
The development of mathematical skills and interests. Zoom meaning of certain concepts and mathematics, increased knowledge about them, pursue their own interests and creative imagination. Paying attention to students' co-creation through mathematics beauty of the surrounding reality, the opportunities offered by the implementation of mathematical concepts and issues as diverse creative expression. Exchange of experience both in mathematics and these creative activities, and the use of the English language. 
Work process:
Each school put their work on the school website or in the absence thereof send photos, multimedia files, text or graphics by e-mail to the partner school. It would be advisable to use the descriptions of the two languages. Partnership the school has the opportunity to present these results on your site or exhibitor school next to their publication. You can send these creations to date or do so within the project summary. In conclusion, it would be possible videoconference, have equipment and software for this form of communication. 
Expected results:
The official end of the project would involve the presentation of students' own products, as well as the creations of students from the partner school. Use of the presentation (if possible) two languages to name particular mathematical concepts. Project duration: 1 month - a few months(you can change the duration of the project - extension). Message to the partner school of thanks from students and images from the completion of the project. You can e-mail addresses possible exchange between students and teachers. 
Subjects: Economics, Home economics, Mathematics / Geometry
Languages: EN
Subjects: Mathematics / Geometry
Languages: EN - RU
Subjects: Art, Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Citizenship, Classical Languages (Latin & Greek), Cross Curricular, Design and Technology, Drama, Economics, Environmental Education, Ethics, European Studies, Foreign Languages, Geography, Geology, Health Studies, History, History of Culture, Home economics, Informatics / ICT, Language and Literature, Law, Mathematics / Geometry, Media Education, Music, Natural Sciences, Philosophy / Logic, Physical Education, Physics, Politics, Pre-school Subjects, Primary School Subjects, Psychology, Religion, Social Studies / Sociology, Special Needs Education, Technology
Languages: BG - CZ - DA - DE - EL - EN - ES - ET - FI - FR - HR - HU - IT - LT - LV - MT - NL - NO - PL - PT - RO - RU - SK - SL - SV - TR
Subjects: Art, Informatics / ICT, Mathematics / Geometry
Languages: EN - PL
Melita Mesarić (FOUNDER)
Subjects: Informatics / ICT, Mathematics / Geometry, Music
Languages: EN - SL
Subjects: Economics, Environmental Education, Foreign Languages, Health Studies, History of Culture, Home economics, Mathematics / Geometry, Music, Philosophy / Logic, Technology
Languages: DE - EN - FR - SK - TR
Subjects: Mathematics / Geometry
Languages: EN - RU
Subjects: Design and Technology, Informatics / ICT, Mathematics / Geometry
Languages: EN

პროექტში მონაწილე მოსწავლეები:

1.     ანანო რომაშვილი:                
2.     ია ბეროზაშვილი:                   
3.     ანა კონსტანტინოვი                 
4.     ლაშა კონსტანტინოვი 


მოსწავლეთა მიერ შექმნილი სიმეტრიის ნიმუშები:


       მოსწავლეთა ნამუშევრები:

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