"LAST" ( Let’s All Stand Together )”

პროექტის  eTwinning  გვერდი:

The project "LAST" ( Let’s All StandTogether )” 

პროექტის რეფლექსია

About the project

#eTwCitizen16 #eTwCitizen16
Bullying is one of the biggest problems for students in our schools.
Bullying affects students not only in their everyday lives, it affects them on the Internet too, especially when they use social networks.
We want to create an anti-bullying campaign called "LAST - Let’s All Stand Together" Against Bullying, and this campaign should LAST as long as possible.
We want to support students who are affected by bullying from their peers or other people.
We want to improve students’ knowledge about human rights and to encourage students to respect other people's rights.AIMS


• To get the students to learn about each other, their school life and their countries' culture.
• To improve their language skills .
• To improve students’ learning skills.
• To improve students’ maths skills.

• To encourage students to respect other people's rights.
• To improve students’ knowledge about human rights.
• To develop students' ability in abstract thinking, using ICT as a strategy for searching information, sharing their opinions, and communicating with each other.
• To learn how to live and work together and be responsible and respectful participants in today’s digitally connected culture.
• To promote students’ interest in using ICT resources in the learning process and create various kinds of ICT resources.
• To teach and to make students aware of how to use modern technologies in the right way.
All students will have responsibilities in the project. Students will work in their schools and meet and work online on Twinspace.


During the project students will work, share information, ask questions and post their reflections.
The work process will be:
1-registration and creation of their profiles, introducing themselves, their school and their countries to each other.
2-competition for the choice of the project logo.
3-presentation and introducing themselves, their school. Introducing their countries to each other, their culture, traditions, describe the places where they are from.
4-conduct a survey about examples of Bullying in the students' life and create various kinds of charts to illustrate the findings. Students from one group will give their survey data to another group who will then create charts about it.
5-All participants will solve similar tasks each month. They will find answers to the questions:
• What is a digital citizen and Bullying?
• Describe Bullying examples around you and think of ways to avoid this problem.
• Have you or your friends ever been bullied, and how did you solve t


Guidelines for a safe Internet
Awareness campaigns
Creation of Power Point, Sway and Prezi presentations
Making a project blog and group in social network
Creating charts to illustrate survey results.
Students will have created essays, drawings, photos, posters and multimedia resources about bullying in real life and on the internet, and about ways to solve the bullying problem, and shared all of them on Twinspace, blog and social network group.

ხაშურის #1 საჯარო სკოლის XII კლასის მოსწავლის ქეთევან ბარბაქაძის

პრეზენტაცია ბულინგის შესახებ:

Stay with us to say-NO BULLYING!

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Photosnack video

No Bullying!

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Teacher's Introduction:


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