Math and posibilities

 eTwinning project : " Math and posibilities. " 

პროექტის გეგმა:

Everyone, more or less, has mathematical possibilities: The ability to orientate the room,to imagine the different item forms and locations,to use certain algoritms,to do targeted activity, which needs logical thinking and so on. Math posibilities are needed when instead of real items we have to work with mathematic concepts. Thats why everyone has a chance to improve their own mathematic posibilities and to do tasks.
Mathematics / Geometry
Pupil's age:
16 - 18
Tools to be used:
e-mail, Other software (Powerpoint, video, pictures and drawings), Project Diary, Twinspace, Video conference
To promote student interest in Math and Science, to improve the language skills. To encourage students to get acquainted whith each other and even become friends. To promote understanding between students, schools and countries, which are involved in this project. 
Work process:
October - Using the e-mail help, teachers plan the project activities and agree on common rules. Students will be presented with TwinSpace. Students make personalizated avatars (Voki) upload photos in TwinSpace. Each class makes a word cloud from their students names. To make name clouds, students have to use programm "Image Chef" programm. November, December January - each school till each months the 5th date adds 5 interesting math exercises in TwinSpace enviroment. The other schools are doing these excercises till the 25th date and then send the answers to the exercise's author school by e-mail. School, which has prepared exercise, give for each exercise max.5 points.After 28th date the author school publicates the task answers. In February - by video conference, schools play mathematical "Sea Battle". This is a game, where each school, one by one, chooses one question and answers it. Between questions there might be some "suprises". 
Expected results:
Learning motivation increases and English language skills are developed, interest in math increases, too. Students develop their math skills, their logical thinking and comunication skills. Teachers will get partners in eTwinning space. There will be created an e-journal with all mathematic exercises and correct answers. 

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მოსწავლეთა ნამუშევრები: 

მათემატიკური სოფიზმები :

მათემატიკური სოფიზმები X კლასელთათვის:

პროექტის სერტიფიკატი:

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