Where do you live We all together in my beautiful city

eTwinning project: "Where do you live?"...We all together in my beautiful city! "

Welcome Nadia Dabrundashvili, Khashuri N1 Public School I edit profile I logout
Projects > "Where do you live?"...We all together in my beautiful city!
"Where do you live?"...We all together in my beautiful city!
http://desktop.etwinning.net/images/desktop/calendar_day.pngRegistered on 09.10.2013 | http://desktop.etwinning.net/images/desktop/clock2.gifStatus: Closed
The project is based on knowledge of the landscape: symbols of the city, people, history, geography, natural conditions, prominent figures of city, legend, national memorials, folklore, cultural offers, something about the holidays, traditions, art and local resources, church and so on... The presentations of cities will be exchanged between the children members of the project. Children can also communicate by exchanging curiosity and information, developing: the language L2, the sense of citizenship and the use of ICT. Children can organize a school trip in the country that they like or that is near at their city to know their friends and to see the city where other children live.
Citizenship, Cross Curricular, Environmental Education, Foreign Languages, Geography, Geology, History, Informatics / ICT, Law, Media Education, Music, Pre-school Subjects, Primary School Subjects, Religion, Technology
EN - ES - FR - IT
Pupil's age:
7 - 13
Tools to be used:
Audio conference, Chat, e-mail, Forum, MP3, Other software (Powerpoint, video, pictures and drawings), Project Diary, Twinspace, Video conference, Virtual learning environment (communities, virtual classes, ...), Web publishing
-To develope Citizenship: “We together!”; -To learn to use ICT with sensibleness busily; -To acquire greater awareness of European citizenship; -To dialogue and exchange the informations with other European children; -To welcome, to respect and to share common moral values; -To improve language and communicative skills L2; -To promote cultural exchanges; -To develop cooperative learning and to create un community of learning; -To improve the knowledge of the areas involved in the project; -To develop ICT skills hide
Work process:
1. first meeting by skipe: each school present own school, children and city very quickly; 2. meetings programmed to allow children to communicate with each other by forum or blog or facebook or email, letters ... (to be decided with patners) in English or French; 2.to organize trips on own territory to photograph or to film characteristics of the city where you live, children can drama the historical events…; 3.to research informations on its territory by the internet or magazines or books …; 4.to organize trip in the city of other country of project; 5.to create presentations, documents, files, cartoons, games, ebook…and any digital products of own city to exchange with other European schools; Other activities will be decided with etwinners of the project hide
Expected results:
We hope that children can know other children of Europe, to understand that they are all friends and they belong to "the same sky" . To make an ebook, photos, video, hypertext or pictures to be exchanged with other countries on the place where you live. -(if it's possible) to visit the countries of the project patners. hide
Prizes won by this project
  • http://desktop.etwinning.net/images/desktop/quality_label.gifQuality Label
gallery image
Le Sers
Notre village
Project partners - 120 partner(s)
Subjects: Art, Design and Technology, Environmental Education, Health Studies, Language and Literature, Music, Physical Education, Pre-school Subjects, Primary School Subjects, Psychology
Languages: EN - RO

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