Geometric shapes in architecture

  Project description- პროექტის აღწერა:

Geometric shapes in architecture

eTwinning project

This is a project about architecture, from a history, art, math, geography point of view. Our students choose a building in their town, will study its shape, its location within the town, its dimensions, its history. They will then present their work to their correspondents. The goal of the project is to increase students’ motivation and interest for Mathematics, to stimulate their investigative spirit and curiosity by combining common mathematical contents of the curriculum with aspects of day-to-day life in different parts of Europe, using concrete objects as well as representations of mathematical concepts. It is also intended to facilitate mutual understanding through getting knowledge on the historical and cultural contexts partners live in.

პროექტში განსახორციელებელი აქტივობები:


პროექტის გეგმა:

Geometric shapes in architecture
This is a project about architecture, from a history, art, math, geography point of view. Our students choose a building in their town, will study its shape, its location within the town, its dimensions, it history. They will then present their work to their correspondents. The goal of the project is to increase students’ motivation and interest for Mathematics, to stimulate their investigative spirit and curiosity by combining common mathematical contents of the curriculum with aspects of day-to-day life in different parts of Europe, using concrete objects as well as representations of mathematical concepts. It is also intended to facilitate mutual understanding through getting knowledge on the historical and cultural contexts partners live in.
Art, Foreign Languages, Geography, History of Culture, Informatics / ICT, Mathematics / Geometry, Natural Sciences
Pupil's age:
12 - 17
Tools to be used:
Chat, e-mail, Forum, Other software (Powerpoint, video, pictures and drawings), Project Diary, Twinspace, Video conference, Virtual learning environment (communities, virtual classes, ...), Web publishing
1. Establishing connections between mathematical content in the curriculum and common aspects of day-to-day life. Developing students' ability to abstract thinking, to transfer mathematical knowledge to everyday life and vice-versa. 2. Work on three-dimensional objects in a practical way during maths classes (coordinates, measures, volumes...) 3. Communicate with European students in a common foreign language: English. Opening up to European culture by discovering foreign architecture and different ways to work in school. 4. Develop cooperative learning and reflection on the learning process. 5. Use different resources such as multimedia materials (like Geogeobra or Google SketchUp) or the ICT as a way of obtaining, selecting and presenting oral and written information obtaining, selecting and presenting oral and written information. Using ICT as a strategy for searching for information, solving tasks, sharing and disseminating results and as a communication tool for both teachers and students. Collaboration will take place on the eTwinning platform, but we will also create a blog and a website/wiki.
Work process:
1.      Project proposition and opening of TwinSpace 2. Icebreakers activities for students and individual presentation - communication in Twinspace - slide presentation to introduce themselves 3. All participants solve similar tasks each month • Select a building from own town and take photos • Find the measurements and describe building from the point of view of history, art, math, geography. Present their results using IT. 4. Evaluation from students. 5. Publishing project and results.
2.      Expected results:
Description of different buildings and ways of measurement Creating and solving problems. Two-dimensional representation of buildings with a geometry software. Through videoconference, summarize all work during project.

პროექტში მონაწილე ქვეყნები და პედაგოგები:
Subjects: Art, Astronomy, Biology, Design and Technology, European Studies, Geography, Health Studies, History, History of Culture, Language and Literature, Natural Sciences, Physics, Primary School Subjects, Special Needs Education, Technology
Languages: EN - TR
Subjects: Foreign Languages
Languages: EN - RU
Subjects: Informatics / ICT, Mathematics / Geometry, Technology
Languages: CZ - EN - SK
Subjects: Art
Languages: DE - EN
Subjects: Mathematics / Geometry
Languages: EN - RU
Subjects: Citizenship, Cross Curricular, Environmental Education, Mathematics / Geometry, Technology
Languages: EL - EN
Tatjana Amerhanova (FOUNDER)
Subjects: Cross Curricular, Informatics / ICT, Language and Literature
Languages: EN - ET
Subjects: Foreign Languages, Geography, Informatics / ICT, Language and Literature, Mathematics / Geometry, Music, Social Studies / Sociology
Languages: EN - ET - RU
Valeria Viola
ICS "E. Ventimiglia" di Belmonte Mezzagno - Plesso Secondaria di I Grado, Belmonte Mezzagno (PA), Italy
Subjects: Art, Cross Curricular, Foreign Languages, Technology
Languages: DE - EN - IT
Zinaida Cherneva (FOUNDER)
Subjects: Art, Design and Technology, Drama, European Studies, Informatics / ICT, Mathematics / Geometry
Languages: BG - EN - RU

პროექტში მონაწილე ხაშურის #1 საჯარო სკოლის           მოსწავლეები:

1.     სალომე მეტივიშვილი:       Salome.metivishvili             
2.     თორნიკე ტაბატაძე:             tornike.tabatadze.1             
3.     თიკა კუპრაძე:                       tika.kupradze                      
4.     ოთარ ლაცაბიძე:                   Otar.Latsabidze                    
5.     დავით ნანეტაშვილი:          Davit..Nanetashvili              
6.     თათია ხაჩიძე:                       tatia.Khachidze                   
7.     ლელა სებისკვერაძე:            Lela.Sebiskveradze 

 Introduce yourself- წარდგენა:

My little pupils, members of the Project:

მათემატიკური ვიქტორინა

მათემატიკური ვიქტორინა

Our Town Khashuri:


Hello From Georgia:


Project Logo 

 Joyous time of Christmas

Copy of My Animoto Video

Merry Christmas!-From Georgia

Merry Christmas

საახალწლო ვიდეო:

 The buildings
მოსწავლეების მიერ ჩატარებული სამუშაოების პრეზენტაცია:


პროექტის სერტიფიკატი:

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